At GOTS International School, our coaches are selected for their adaptability, passion, and ability to understand children. They have good team spirit, and most of all, have all the skills required of a 21st Century teacher.
The coaches have exceptional qualifications, with many holding Masters Degrees and PhDs in their respective fields.
As coaches, they must also have an early childhood education diploma/certification, CIDTL (Cambridge International Diploma for Teacher Learners) and NLP for the Academics certification from ABNLP (American Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming). Training for these programmes is ongoing, helping in their growth as coaches who strive to be better than A+.
Individually, they come from varied teaching backgrounds, and their experience puts them a cut above the rest.
Our coaches know that to stay ahead of the curve, they need to be knowledgeable about current affairs, adapt to changes in global education, and assist scholars in making sense of these things through daily interactions.
Apart from excelling academically, coaches at our ‘Happy School’ are warm, encouraging, friendly, and most of all, filled with enthusiasm for the children and teaching.