One hallmark of Global Oak Tree Scholars (GOTS) International School is its twice-yearly training for the coaches.

Co-founder Dr Veronica Shepherdson will personally conduct these training sessions as she believes in continuous improvement to serve the scholars better.

“The training sessions are not just a refresher course. We also have team building exercises and share ideas on improving the lessons,” shared Dr Shepherdson.

“This year, we split the training over two days in early January as I had planned many activities and training exercises for the coaches.

“I was delighted with the outcome as I could see their progress after the two days.”

Head of English, Jo-Ann Briggets said splitting the sessions over two days and focusing on different aspects made the training “different” and “productive”, as they also had time to prepare for the opening of the school year.

“I loved that the team building exercises allowed us to work with different colleagues instead of by departments,” said Briggets.

“I felt we could see the transition of our teamwork and communication – from being tentative at the start, to working as one by the end.

“The games we played during team building were fun, but they also taught us lessons from our training as they showed us how to use our different strengths to help one another. I believe our leadership skills improved over those two days.”

She said having the training on Day 1, and the team building on Day 2, was a good idea.

“It did not feel tiring. In fact, I was looking forward to the second day, eve though I knew there were many activities,” said Briggets.

Art and Design coach Syahidzul Hafiz Md Sukaimi also enjoyed the training, and said having them twice a year helps keep the coaches on their toes.

“Dr Shepherdson expects nothing but the best from all of us. She pushes us hard as the scholl only wants A+ coaches,” he said.

“I love attending the training as there is always something new to learn. The sessions are never boring.

“Dr Shepherdson always gives us new pointers and methods to handle the scholars and help them understand lessons, as every child is different.”

To learn more about Global Oak Tree Scholars International School, our A+ coaches, and fee structure, call or WhatsApp our education consultants at +6012-268 1293/+6010-295 6340, or visit

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